Thursday, April 16, 2009

Come what may and love it....

Today is April 16 2009, It has been way to long .This quote from Elder Worthland came to me one day as I was sitting pondering the many trials in my life... It was "Profound" it changed my life and my views on so many things .I read the artical in the ensign took in every word it had to offer me. Later that next month the trials would pour in and I really understood in FULL what my heavenly father was teaching me... In life even if you might lose EVERYTHING!!!! come what may and love it ....if you have not read this loving artical Elder worthlands last address I might add.. Read it its amazing...With that said my blessing are HUGE I am soo greatful for the gospal of Jesus Christ ...As you all can see from these pictures that our not so little anymore TJ is doing amazing and Tim and Jade, TJ got sealed in the Manti Temple on March 31st ..Allan and Kathy had a wonderful sking season with dad..looking out side today you would think winter will never end LOl ..Missy is working so hard with Dad at the office and thats a blessing all of its own..Our Amanda is coming around we are thrilled and thankful.. LJ shaved his head on behalf of mom,what a studd!! Holly is working soo hard a at school another 4.0 working, being a wonderful mom and getting married in Aug ..Jayden is exelling in school and Jax is talking up a storm more pics of them to follow ..SEE SO MANY BLESSINGS !!! Love to all

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today is december 18 and I am just now updating this.. Sorry friends and family, having Jades blog is way to easy ..Things are great here and our little grandson is finially home with his parents. T.J. is happy and healthy. I feel blessed and thankful .We are looking forward to spending Christmas with the whole family and am rushing to finish my shopping, Favorite thing to do this time of year besides baking with my kids and grand babies.But lets not forget the real reason for this Christmas season ..,The birth of our dear Savior Jesus Christ I give thanks for this dear brother of mine and love him dearly ...Merry Christmas to all Love Lisa

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby T.J.

Today is oct 14th T.J. has been through more in the 4 weeks of his little life then most people do in a life heart aches he is so very sweet...Yesterday he had sergery and they placed a tube in his tiny head through the ventricels for draining the fluid that has been causing pressure, its upsetting but necessary to relieve the growing pressure on his brain, they are doing a ct scan today to determine the dammage..they did say yesterday that they might have caught it in time MIGHT is a big word for me right now..Jade and Tim are at the hospital and they will find out today .....It is in the lords hands I know this and we all just need to have faith life is good and we have many many blessings thank you for all your prayers they have really helped... love you all Lisa.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Faith Hope And Charty

At almost 1130 last night I recieved a text message from Jade on TJ's update and it was great news the blood clot that has been causing the swelling was deminishing.....Tim and Jade are great examples of pure faith hope and charity ,its amazing how through your children you learn so many things ...I am so thankful for the both of them... I got to see this little baby with eyes wide open while his sweet little mommie held him I will allways cherish that moment and some day tell him of it...I am so thankful for a loving hevenly father who knows me so well and can confort me like nobody else and leaves me with a wonder and love so profound I cant even explain....Thankyou...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pictures of my Little Grandson Tj!

Today is September 30, 2008... & all the news that we have been hearing is positive, that just warms my heart. Tonight I got to help out with the nurses at the hospital. It is amazing how much is needed to get this little baby better! Tubes everywhere! Monitors! but they say he is doing well. We'll leave it at that with a blessing! I am SO tired I need to go to bed! Thank you to family and friends for all of there prayers and love. It is greatly needed! and Thank you Heavenly Father for the richest of blessings! Goodnight!